George Stone: Probabilities – A Twenty Year Survey

Publication Date 2003
Softcover, 8×10.5 inches, 80 pp, 99 color reproductions
This full-color catalog designed by Gail Swanlund for the exhibition at the Municipal Art Gallery at Barnsdall Art Park, focuses on the installation work of Los Angeles artist George Stone. His extensive use if discarded technologies found in surplus yards that are then re-engineered to represent complex wired-era metaphors make him a true pioneer in the expansion of our sculptural vocabulary.

Catalogue Essay Authors

Norman M. Klein
Peter Lunenfeld
Judith E. VidaM.D.
and Ralph Rugoff

Curators Award

George Stone: Probabilities

September 9, 2003 - November 16, 2003
Curated by: Carole Ann Klonarides
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