2008 FOCAFellowships

An exhibition of the works of these fellowship recipients was on display from September 28 through November 30 at the FOCA space in Los Angeles’ Chinatown.



Julio Cesar MoralesJULIO CESAR MORALES is an artist, educator and curator currently working both individually and collaboratively. Morales utilizes a range of media including photography, video, and printed and digital media to make conceptual projects that address the productive friction that occurs in trans-cultural territories such as urban Tijuana and San Francisco—and in inherently impure media such as popular music and graphic design. Morales teaches and creates art in a variety of settings, from juvenile halls and probation offices to museums, art colleges, alternative non-profit institutions. Morales’ work consistently explores issues of labor, memory, surveillance technologies and identity strategies.
Martin KerselsAn innovative Los Angeles-based artist, MARTIN KERSELS draws on the worlds of performance, film, video, popular and experimental music, and mechanical science for his inspiration and materials. He employs humor, pathos, and kinetic energy to create works that explore the expressive potential of--as well as the inextricable connection between--the machine and the individual. Whether a baby grand piano that winches itself across the gallery floor or a rubber band-powered prosthetic leg that frantically kicks the gallery wall, his constructions share an innate sense of theatricality. They follow their own choreography, play their own soundtracks, and occasionally take pratfalls. Frequently funny at first glance, Kersels’ works—exploring issues of proportion, social fit, and comfort—often reveal the awkwardness and embarrassment of quite literally not fitting in.
Dorit CypisDORIT CYPIS explores questions of identity and representation through performance, multimedia installation, and photography. She often focuses on issues of authorship, the threshold between subject and object, and modes of seeing. Much of her work is performative, involving strategies to literally penetrate the image in order to uncover layers of meaning - this performance exists as residue in the form of photographs. Cypis is concerned with the body as the medium through which knowledge is gained. She explores notions of a collective memory as well as personal memories, heritage, and history. Her work of late has been influenced by her study of conflict resolution and strategies of mediation, negotiation, and conciliation.

Public Events

2008 FOCAFellowships: Discussion

November 15, 2008
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
MOCA, Ahmanson Auditorium
Details >

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