Carole Kim, Exhibitor in Medium, a 2019 Curators Lab Exhibition, Completes her Residency at the Descanso Gardens in October.


Carole Kim is completing a first artist-in-residence at Descanso Gardens. Her residency continues through October 19, 2019. There will be a closing \”end of residency\” celebration on Saturday, October 19th from 7 – 9 pm. The celebration will include projections on the Oak Forest canopy combined with a performance in the installation.

You will recall her recent participation in Medium, a FOCA Curators Lab exhibition in our Chinatown space earlier this year from January 26 – March 15, 2019.  Carole presented video stills of sentence fragments projected on a remote Norwegian forest leaving viewers with the impression that the trees were communicating, their voices calling up the natural spirits of the majestic forests.

Image courtesy of Carole Kim

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